Convert the HK80GEO coordinates to WGS84UTM coordinates
HK80GEO_TO_WGS84UTM(latitude, longitude)
latitude | latitude in decimal degrees |
longitude | longitude in decimal degrees |
This function convert the HK80GEO coordinates to HK80UTM, and convert the intermediate output into WGS84UTM. More details can be found on page C4.
Northern coordinate in meters
Eastern coordinate in meters
UTM zone, either 49 or 50
Survey & Mapping Office Lands Department, Hong Kong Government (1995). Explanatory Notes on Geodetic Datums in Hong Kong, available at:
Jinlong Zhang
The coordinates should be within the range of Hong Kong. Providing coordinates outside Hong Kong will lead to wrong results.
#> N E zone #> 1 2471278.72895382 205493.220909862 50#### $N #### [1] 2471278.72895382 #### #### $E #### [1] 205493.220909862 #### #### $zone #### [1] 50 ################################################ #### Answer from the online conversion tool #### 50Q, 2471279, 205494