Convert WGS84UTM coordinates to HK80GEO coordinates
WGS84UTM_TO_HK80GEO(N, E, zone)
N | Numeric, The northern coordinate |
E | Numeric, The eastern coordinate |
zone | zone, numeric, either 49 or 50 |
This function converts the coordinates first to WGS84GEO and then to HK80GEO.
latitude in decimal degrees
longitude in decimal degrees
Survey & Mapping Office Lands Department, Hong Kong Government (1995). Explanatory Notes on Geodetic Datums in Hong Kong, available at: http://www.geodetic.gov.hk/smo/gsi/data/pdf/explanatorynotes.pdf
Jinlong Zhang
The coordinates should be within the range of Hong Kong. Providing coordinates outside Hong Kong will lead to wrong results.
#> latitude longitude #> 1 22.323667977877 114.138738570444#### $latitude #### [1] 22.323667977877 #### #### $longitude #### [1] 114.138738570444 #### Results from http://www.geodetic.gov.hk/smo/tform/tform.aspx #### 22.323701767 #### 114.138734989